Even after temperatures are ideal indoors, some homeowners still think their sense of comfort does not feel satisfactory. The usual issue is poor indoor air quality, with allergens and airborne debris stirring up all sorts of problems. From triggering asthma to encouraging mold, higher air quality should be an integral part of your overall HVAC plan.
Fortunately, homeowners have a solution within reach. Whole-house air purifiers can filter out these annoying particles, providing better health and well-being. And as the name suggests, they’re powerful enough to do so for the entire house! A new, high-efficiency air purifier from Dial One Mears Air Conditioning & Heating Inc may be the last thing you need to iron out those frustrating comfort problems.
But wait, aren’t there portable air purifiers you can use instead? Even though the principle is mostly the same, you’ll also realize these smaller options may not work as well. But you deserve to know for certain. We can provide more info about how a whole-house air purifier is the superior choice over portables. It and other indoor air quality services in Phoenix are among the most effective solutions for reaching your desired air quality.
Do I Really Need an Air Purifier?
As homeowners consider pollution or airborne particles, things like pollen, animal dander, and even industrial fumes may be what you think of first. These substances are all easily found outdoors, but it’s when they find their way into your home that they really start creating issues.
You see, modern homes are constructed with a tight seal separating the indoors and outdoors. This is great for preventing heating and cooling from escaping, but it unintentionally results in the indoor air turning stagnant.
An air purification system, especially a whole-house model, captures all sorts of airborne particles in their filters, stopping them from moving around your home. You may even notice you aren’t cleaning as much!
Usually, Whole House Air Purification a Whole-House Air Purifier Is the Wiser Option
Cost remains a priority, and some people see the price tag of a portable air purifier as an important factor in the decision. But if your comfort goal is maximum indoor air quality, the strength of whole-house air purification becomes clear:
- A single system ensures clean air throughout your home: You won’t have to carry a portable purifier around from room to room since whole-house models are powerful enough to eliminate pollutants across your entire home.
- Much more cost-effective for long-term use: Rather than having to invest in several purifiers for each area, a single, whole-house air purification system protects air quality for years and years. This kind of resilience also stops dust and debris from getting into the rest of your HVAC system, as this could help with the efficiency of your heating and cooling.
- Less maintenance associated with filter clogs and pollution: Clogged ventilation is one of the most common reasons you notice problems with your HVAC system’s effectiveness. An air purification system helps keep these filters from clogging to begin with thanks to their innovative design. For example, air purifiers with a HEPA filter give you access to superior air quality for residential properties.
For a Typical Household, Look for MERV Ratings Around 8
The Minimum Efficiency Rating Value (MERV) system was developed to help homeowners better understand the degree of air filtration they’re considering. While high MERV ratings mean more filtration, that may not be something your average home needs.
The scale can go as high as 20, but this is unnecessary outside of specialized facilities like the surgery theater in a hospital. For a typical family’s use, a MERV rating of 8 is usually more than sufficient. The air quality experts at Dial One Mears Air Conditioning & Heating Inc can help you figure out precisely which option will adequately fulfill your needs.